Create/remove relations between the groups

Create/remove relations between the groups

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This How-To describes the steps using the old administrative GUI used at EGI: https://perun.egi.eu/egi/gui/

VO manager role is required.

  1. Navigate to Group manager section in the left menu and click on Select group.

2. Select the VO whose groups you want to work with in the drop-down menu named Selected VO.

Once the groups are loaded you can select the group by clicking on the row with the appropriate group.


3. Groups detail page will open with the Members sub-tab opened. This is destination group and you can fill it by members of different source group in the same VO. Click on Relations sub-tab.


4. Click on the button Add.


5. The window for searching groups will open. Write the name, click on Filter and tick the choosen option. Click on the button Add. Your destination group will be filled by members of a source group.







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