Expiration settings (group membership)
Log into the Identity and Access management system Web interface and go to Access management (the left-hand side menu).
Find the Virtual Organization via the Filter by name field and click on the row with the organization.
Select Members
Search for a user in the Filter by name or Id field.
Click on the row to open the user's profile.
Select the group in the Group membership box and click on the pencil icon to set the Expiration date.
Group membership expirations can be set for each group.
Set the member’s group expiration date, Save it, and Close the window.
The member will be removed from the selected group based on the expiration date.
If you do not set the sponsored account expiration on the group in which you inserted it, it remains a member even if the account has expired. When someone reactivates a sponsored account with a new sponsorship, he will again have access to the resources set on the group.
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