Create group relations (include members of one group into another)

If you want to include members from another group (that already exists) in your group, you can use the Relations function.


  • Log into the Identity and Access management system Web interface and go to Access management (the left-hand side menu).

  • Find the Virtual Organization via the Filter by name field and click on the row with the organization.


Select Group.



Select Advanced settings and Relations.


Select Add button.


Find and select a group that members you can include in your group.
Confirm with Create button.


If the related group has existing members, they will appear as indirect members of your group.
To check, you can go to the group members item and find some user from the relations group.
The included member will have an Indirect type icon and name written in italic font.

We advise against establishing relations with groups that automatically sync members from external sources, as these groups often have numerous members, and synchronization won't remove members from the related group. Given the group's nature, people typically do not expect members from other sources.
