How to assign a group(s) to a resource

How to assign a group(s) to a resource


Log into the Identity and Access management system Web interface and go to Access management (the left-hand side menu).
Find the Virtual Organization via the Filter by name field and click on the row with the organization.

001 - Access managment.png


Open the Resource item and select the Resource list.

002 - resource list.png


In the list, you can see resources where you are the manager.
If you are a manager of many resources, use the Filter field and search for the resource to which you want to assign a group(s).
Click on the row with the resource.


Select Assigned groups item.


Click on the Assign groups button.


Find a group(s), check the radio button, and click the Next button.


Set options and click on the Assign groups button to confirm.


If a group(s) is successfully assigned to the resource, it can be recognized by the information notification in the upper right and directly in the list of groups.

Note: In case of failure, a red information warning will be displayed (instead of green).


Support: perun@cesnet.cz