How to install Perun slave scripts on DEB based systems

How to install Perun slave scripts on DEB based systems

For DEB based systems (like Ubuntu or Debian) there is DEB repository https://repo.metacentrum.cz


Create file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/meta_repo.list with the following content:

deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/metacentrum.asc] https://repo.metacentrum.cz/ all main pilot


DEB packages are signed, and the signatures must be verified. In order to verify the signatures, you must add repo’s PGP key to the trusted keys for the APT tool. Put the content of the URL https://repo.metacentrum.cz/key.asc into the file /etc/apt/keyrings/metacentrum.asc. It can be done using the following commands:

mkdir /etc/apt/keyrings wget -O /etc/apt/keyrings/metacentrum.asc https://repo.metacentrum.cz/key.asc


Load the list of available DEB packages:

apt update


Install perun-slave-base package and then packages for the services you require by running apt install perun-slave-process-[service-name].

An example for a propagation of Unix users, creating their home folders and setting their SSH keys:

You may also install all packages at once with:

Support: perun@cesnet.cz