Services provided by Proxy IdP
A filter for WAYF/DS (Where Are You From/Discovery Service)
SP can affect a list of the identity providers on WAYFProxy IdP because WAYF is based on CESNET WAYF ( ), a filter configuration is going on Then provide the value of filter as an attribute filter. In the case of longer filters, we recommend to save the value into a file and provide the link as an attribute efilter. More information about the filter is possible to find here on (in part about Filter Generator).
How to deliver a filter to Proxy IdP
By the attribute AuthnContextClassRef in the protocol SAML 2
SP will set the attribute AuthnContextClassRef:
For the filter by the value urn:cesnet:proxyidp:filter:[the value of your generated filter]
For the efilter urn:cesnet:proxyidp:efilter:[ a link for a file with the filter]
In the case of fulfilling both filters in the same time, the efilter will be used. The example of setting Shibboleth SP in shibboleth2.xml:
<!--, eduGAIN, Social -->
<SessionInitiator entityID="" type="SAML2" template="bindingTemplate.html" Location="/allfed" id="allfed" relayState="cookie" authnContextClassRef="urn:cesnet:proxyidp:efilter:" />
The example of setting Shibboleth SP in Apache web server:
<Location abc>
ShibRequestSetting authnContextClassRef urn:cesnet:proxyidp:efilter:
Manually by setting SP in Proxy
It´s possible to define a filter but the change must be done by an administrator. In this case, send a request for adding a filter on with the identifier of service and the value of filter/link for a file with a filter.
Proxy can´t control it if gets the correct value of a filter.
In the case when no mentioned option will be chosen, defaultFilter will be used (included federations, eduGAIN,Social a StandaloneIdP).
The access to a particular IdP without WAYF (SAML)
Direct access to a particular IdP is possible to set by the atribute AuthnContextClassRef in the protocole SAML (the value urn:cesnet:proxyidp:idpentityid:[EntityId of the IdP]).
Manual setting of eduPersonScopedAffiliation
Organizations which are not involved in and need to open up services for their users, requiring verification of user´s relation to an organization, can use a function of manual connecting of user´s relation to an organization. The organization establishes responsible persons who can control if a person requiring confirmation of relating, has a formal relate with an organization. The responsible person will get access into Perun system where sees the user´s requests which can be approved or refused. After that, users can require their social identity. Thanks to that, the confidence in anonymous identity is higher.