Expiration settings (user sponsorship)

Expiration settings (user sponsorship)


Log into the Identity and Access management system Web interface and go to Access management (the left-hand side menu).
Find the Virtual Organization via the Filter by name field and click on the row with the organization.


Select Sponsored members


Search for the user you want to add via the Filter by name or Id field.
Click on the row to open the user's profile.


Click on the pencil icon in the Sponsorship box for setting expiration date.


Click on the calendar icon.


Set the sponsorship expiration date, Save it and Close the window.


If you are the only sponsor of the account, the account will go from Active to Expired status after this date.
If the account has multiple sponsors, it will be active according to the expiration date settings of the other sponsors.


Support: perun@cesnet.cz