How to create a sponsored account

How to create a sponsored account



  • Log into the Identity and Access management system Web interface and go to Access management (the left-hand side menu).

  • Find the Virtual Organization via the Filter by name field and click on the row with the organization.


Select Sponsored members


Select Create and choose to Create sponsored member


Fill in the user’s First and Last Name


  • Fill in the Namespace of your organization.

  • Choose the option for setting the password:

    • Preferred is the option Let the created user change his password via a given email address
      for sending a notification e-mail to create a password to the user’s e-mail address.

    • If you choose to set a password for the guest yourself, information about credentials will be displayed in a separate window.

  • Click on the Next button.


Save credential information, forward it to the account owner securely, and inform them to set their own new password.



  • Set yourself up as a sponsor and set the Sponsorship expiration.
    If sponsorship expires, an account will be deactivated.

  • Click on the Next button.


  • The sponsored account can be added to the necessary groups and thus made available to IT resources.

  • Confirm the creation of the account with the Submit button.


Information about creating a sponsored account will be displayed if everything is successful.


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