Log into the system and on the homepage, you can see info box ‘Manager in Organizations’. There is a list of your VOs that you can manage. Choose one and click on its name.
Alternatively, you can click on ‘Access management’ on the left.
The list of your VOs will open. Choose one and click on its name.
The webpage with more info will open. Click on ‘Advanced settings’.
Click on ‘Managers’.
The list of current managers will open. You can choose which type of manager would you like to add (user or group). Click on “add”.
The searching box will open. Please insert at least the first few letters of the user's name or login into the search field and then click on 'Search.' After you have found the right user, please tick him/her by using the checkbox and click on ‘Add’.
The new manager has been set.
you can set new manager’s email address for notifications. Just click on… |